FilesOverMiles - Innovative File Sharing - StartupWizz | StartupWizz

FilesOverMiles – Innovative File Sharing

FilesOverMiles When I stumbled on this website, my first impression was that this would be another one of those sites which allow you to share files over the Internet. Three minutes later, I was staring intently at the site and, well, gawking.

Looks like may be the next phenomenon in the file sharing community. This one works totally differently. Open the site in your browser, pick a file to share and the site will generate a URL to be distributed. Pass this URL along with optional password protection and people can use it to download your file. The transfer is P2P, encrypted and no intermediate servers are involved during file transfer.

But like any other innovation, being in beta, there are some problems. You must keep your browser open during the transfer (the transfer takes place using Flash technology, besides this isn’t really a bug), and you cannot transfer really large files. I bet, once these issues are resolved, this service will be worth keeping an eye on.


FilesOverMiles – Innovative File Sharing
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