TWITTIMG – Share Photos on Twitter - StartupWizz | StartupWizz

TWITTIMG – Share Photos on Twitter

TwittimgThis is a simple idea, but so necessary that it should catch on. TWITTIMG is a quick and easy way to add photos to Twitter messages. There’s no need to log into Twitter – users can log into TWITTIMG with their Twitter name and password to upload a photo. If they want to add a message this can all be done on the main TWITTIMG page. I tried it out and my message appeared on Twitter with a URL to display the photo.

Sharing images on social networks is on the increase, with photos added for humour, for promotional purposes, and to share personal experiences with friends and family. Twitter hasn’t been the easiest place to share other media and this is improving, with services like TWITTIMG helping. A look through recently shared pictures shows how it’s being used by authors to promote books, by companies for advertising, by broadcasters to provide a dynamic image from sports or the news, and by photographers to show their best shots.

Other social networks like make it incredibly straightforward to add a video, photo or link to brief messages, but as Twitter has so many users this kind of application is essential. My only disappointment was that the image appears as a weblink rather than an image, unlike the attractive way presents images and videos.


TWITTIMG – Share Photos on Twitter
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