RestyleMe – Interactive Makeovers - StartupWizz | StartupWizz

RestyleMe – Interactive Makeovers

Forget all the style gurus giving makeovers on TV, RestyleMe has an active community posting photos and giving feedback and critique on the way people dress and present themselves. I couldn’t believe this would be done seriously when I started, as people can anonymously look at your photo and rate everything from your physical features to the way you do your hair, dress, choose glasses, put on makeup and add accessories. They do this by giving a thumbs-up or thumbs-down to each category in a menu, or they can click on parts of the photo to give a negative or positive response. There’s also a box to fill in extra comments and advice.

To take part in all this you have to comment on one photo at a time to be able to browse more, so it does oblige you to take an active part, although you don’t have to post your own photo. Contrary to my expectations the feedback really was helpful, and after giving your thumbs up and down votes you can see the photos with green and red dots on the parts viewers suggest keeping the same or changing, plus all the comments.

RestyleMe also has a community-building side to it as you can add friends and keep an eye on their changing looks. Each member can keep adding photos with various ways of presenting themselves. I have to admit, it was a lot of fun and highly recommended. The age range is good, it’s international, and it covers all styles from casual to professional.


RestyleMe – Interactive Makeovers
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