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Design – Design Floor Plans is a free service that lets you create or design floor plans using a tool that’s simple but leads to professional results. The floor plans would be useful for estate agents, holiday rentals, or just to share the layout and look of your home with friends. It’s possible to add photos of the exterior of the building and also photos of the interior to display each of the rooms. Once the plan with photos has been created it can be linked to websites and social networks, and used in advertising and flyers, or shared in personal communications.

The tool to create floor plans is intuitive, offering a variety of simple ways to work on the layout for each storey. Clearly labelled buttons offer Add Room, Add Door, and Add Window options. These can be moved and adjusted by dragging and stretching, or by filling in the measurements. prompts the user to add photos while clicking on each room or the exterior. With the correct measurements and a set of photos it would be possible to produce an impressive and appealing design to attract buyers, renters and holidaymakers, or just give friends and family a virtual tour of your home.

Share – Professional Designs Today

Logo Another entry in the world of outsourcing but this time specializing in graphic and design content. Creative Graphic Design (CGD) is a company from Germany providing a place for designers and buyers to interact. The designs can vary from ad and banner to illustration and t-shirts designing.

If you are looking to have something designed and you want to approach a huge pool of designers to choose the best one for the job at hand, look no further than CGD. You can signup for free, then provide a design brief and an amount for the project and you will get to meet designers from all over the world willing to work on your project. You can then choose a final winner by checking the designs they post and getting the work done at the price you want.

As a designer, it is easy to sign up, review briefs posted by clients and then submit designs. The funds are escrowed before work so both the clients and designers can do their respective jobs securely.


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