Moodfish – Helps You Decide, What To Do
Everybody experiences the confusion, when it comes to going out. It is often very difficult to choose a specific activity among several available options. Imagine you are in romantic mood but not enough for a candle-light dinner with your girlfriend, so what should you do? Confusion, huh? Moodfish is there to help you.
Moodfish is intending to be a mood-based search engine. It contains listing of different events happening in your city along with a mood chart labeled as Mood Mix. The Mood Mix helps you assess the right event for your mood. Choose what your mood say. Currently it has listing of events in Austin, Texas only but once it is fully launched itmight become the perfect place to find out whats happening in your city and decide, if a particular event or activity is right for you.
Moodfish presents a short description of the event or activity along with the listing, which helps to know about it before making a decision. It also helps you buy tickets for the event or reserve your place at a restaurant.
What Do They Say about themselves?
When you’re in the mood to go out, you can finally search by how you naturally think and feel about entertainment – by mood! Whether you’re in the mood for an intense night out, a chill day under the sun or a romantic date night, finding the perfect thing to do has never been simpler or easier. Think of us as your go-to best friend when your real life best friend has no idea what to do today.
Why it Could Be a Success:
The business model of helping the people to find what they should do could make Moodfish a success. It simplifies the decision making process for entertainment by listing the most relevant listings in a city. The users have the ability to choose what fits their mood best and this alone could be a major factor in the potential success of Moodfish.
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