Piggy Belt – Personal Finance Management
Ever had problems keeping track of expenses on the move? Petty cash expenses are a pain to remember when it is time to put them down in the books. If you own an iPhone or something with spreadsheet software, you may not have any trouble but absence of these present a problem. In comes PiggyBelt.
PiggyBelt lets you keep track of your expenses easily by allowing you to send an expense report as soon as you have made one. There are numerous ways in which an expense report can be submitted. You can use SMS from any phone, send an email to Piggy to let it update your account with the information or you can just log into your account via any Internet enabled device and update your expense report.
The website can generate reports showing various expense heads and how much money is spent under each. The report is pretty basic but gives a ballpark picture of the daily or monthly expenses. The service currently costs $5 per month.
What they say about themselves
It’s developed to help ordinary people to write down expenses and analyze them without hesitation, without advanced knowledge or accountant. Just to keep eye on their money.
Why it could be a success
Although there are many services of this type available, the subscription fee for PiggyBelt is on the lower end of the market. The different methods by which reports can be submitted and the user-friendly interface increases its value.
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