Science Exchange – The Online Market Place for Outsorcing Science Experiements
Science Exchange is a startup that focuses on providing a market place for scientists and researches who are looking to outsource part or their whole experiments. Scientists are not the only potential customers who can ousource their experiments, doctors hospitals also can request certain experiment to be performed and tested using this service. This startup connect qualified providers with potential customers so they can connect with each other and order their service securely. There is a also a review process where providers can be graded for their past work and the results are presented for the cutomers to select the most qualified providers. Moreover, users can compare the list of many provides and also they can compare their estimates for the project before ordering.
If the customer select a provider they both can communicate with each other within the Science Exchange platform to finalize the agreement. Why potential scientists, colleges, and researches outsource their projects in the first place? The answer is obvious, it is to reduce costs and find qualified providers to perform those experiments. Furthermore, some experiments may require certain tools that some institutions don’t have the fund to purchase. Moreover, why purchase expensive tools to perform an experiment once? After that first experiment is conducted, those expensive tools will set in warehouses unused. There has been many successful startups that capitalized on providing outsourcing services for almost everything, science exchange can be one of them. There is a big market for outsourcing science experiments and this startup has the potential to attract many users who are looking for this service.
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