B00mbox - Collaborative Playlist Management - StartupWizz | StartupWizz

B00mbox – Collaborative Playlist Management

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You must have seen video playlists by different users on YouTube. Now you can make it even better by asking other people to contribute and build a playlist with input from your friends, colleagues and loved ones. B00mbox, a free service, lets users achieve this without hassle, quickly and comfortably.

B00mbox lets users pick different YouTube videos, add them through a web interface to the collection and finally use this collection as a playlist by flipping through different slides. There are some already nice collections like top songs of 2010 and beautiful travel destinations open for input. Sadly there is no option to delete the video from the slideshow through B00mbox interface.

B00mbox is powered by slidebomb and each collection is hosted there.

What they say about themselves

B00mbox is great because it lets people work together to make something. If we find a way to turn this exposure into dollars we got a hit.

Why it could be a success

Asking others about their opinions on a certain subject is a way to add diversity. If you are trying to find something, searching for it yourself may take a long time, whereas if you ask other people to chip in, you will quickly get the desired results. The service can be used for fun, education or quick surveys.


B00mbox – Collaborative Playlist Management
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