RepairPal - StartupWizz | StartupWizz


This is a one-stop site to find out what to do when you have problems with your car and need to find out how to repair it, how much it should cost, and where to go. This is a free service where you can type in your question and others can answer, and then you can get a free estimate for the work that needs doing. This will all help you to get the car fixed at the best price, and even to identify those difficult faults that mechanics keep failing to find.

The site contains a massive amount of information on makes and models of car and is navigated by selecting the vehicle you need to ask questions about. The question and answer page is very active with pictures and questions from each car owner. This also includes ratings and reviews which would help if you’re thinking of buying a car. You can also get an estimate for repairs, find a repair shop, and access information about cars. A thorough site for car owners.


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