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PublishedIn-logoPublishedin is a new network offering a unique get-connected opportunity to the businesses and online publishers. It is essentially focused on building a bridge between these two groups by ensuring benefits to both.

The basic concept is much similar to that of Google’s Pay-Per-Click program. The publishers write about their favorite stuff, products, and services and link to businesses. Whenever a visitor to the publisher’s website clicks on the link to the business, the publisher is rewarded with cash. Publishedin has termed its system as Reward-Per-Click Program.

Though similar in functioning with Google PPC, it has a totally different concept. Publishers do not have to put up ads on their websites to earn rewards. Instead they are given with a code, which needs to be pasted in their website. Once this code is installed, Publishedin takes care of reporting the referrals.

What businesses get from this system is increased profit through increase in quality visitors and customers. They are free to choose the value of reward they want to offer to the publisher. The Reward-Per-Click system does suggest a reward amount but the business has total control over this function. The businesses can also choose the daily limit for the rewards.

The word-of-mouth or a recommendation is always better than a flashy ad, this is exactly what the online publishers can provide to the businesses through this network. The readers to these publishers act more actively upon their recommendations than an advertisement.

It is also a good solution for those online publishers, who want to make some money through their websites but avoid the intrusive advertisements. Putting the HTML code does not display any ads to the visitors of the website yet the publisher gets paid on every click he refers to a business.

What Do They Say about themselves? helps businesses and online publishers connect and benefit each other.

Why it Could Be a Success:

Publishedin has an innovative and non-intrusive approach to connect two very important groups i.e., Businesses & Online Publishers in the cyber space. It is easy to use and well-suited for websites of every size.

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