PopSafari - Photo Communities Just For You - StartupWizz | StartupWizz

PopSafari – Photo Communities Just For You

PopSafariWith PopSafari you will be able to share your photographs with the world and together with other users you will be able to create an extensive Safari on different subjects about the world. The concept of the site is quite simple. You simply create an account and post the photos that you desire on the site under thematic photo albums called safaris. The subjects can vary on whatever you desire from your trip to Paris to vegetables. It just has to be a picture or better off pictures that you enjoy of things that you like.  Or you can upload images which you have found on the internet and which are relevant for your Safari.

Plus the PopSafari is a collaborative site, meaning that other users will be able to add their own images to your Safari if they have images that are relevant. In fact this is the main purpose of the site: to create a worldwide album on different themes, albums which can be seen and enjoyed by all.

PopSafari desires to be an online photo gallery where you can delight yourself with images on different subjects and different perspectives around the world.


PopSafari – Photo Communities Just For You
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