3 Ways to Stay Ahead of the Competition - StartupWizz | StartupWizz

3 Ways to Stay Ahead of the Competition

Here are three tips on keeping your company competitive with innovation.

There’s no time to rest when you’re building a business. As I’ve mentioned in previous articles, innovation is key to sustaining your company and insuring its growth. It is so important to stay ahead of the competition and keep your company and your products fresh. Here are three tips on keeping your company competitive with innovation:

1. Expand your product line to reach new consumers.

This fall, Happy Family launched our first ever all ages, all stages line, Happy Squeeze. The new product allows us to grow up with our existing customers while attracting new ones as well.

2. Think outside of the box…or the category.

Many companies find their niche and stay there. But why not push the envelope? Just as we did with our Happy Bellies baby cereal, Happy Tot Plus in innovative pouches, and Happy Squeeze. We not only innovated by expanding the product line, but we innovated by creating an entirely new category.

3. Don’t just follow the trends. Set them.

Trendsetting can be scary at times, but once a product (or idea) catches on, the snowball effect can be huge. If you’re not sure where to start with your product, take yourself through a brainstorming exercise. For example, I sometimes go to grocery stores and walk the aisles with a totally open mind to get myself thinking about what products would enrich the store. Then, I create them. It is this risk-taking and continued commitment to innovation that has driven our growth at Happy Family.


3 Ways to Stay Ahead of the Competition
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