- StartupWizz | StartupWizz
Search width= is a startup that put the power of all social media in one location. The idea behind this startup is to enable users to have one profile on that interconnect with all their social media profiles on Facebook, Twitter and so on. Social media became a very powerful tool for any business to succeed. Many businesses rely on social media to connect with their clients and customers. Businesses can create a simple profile on and the website will pull all the information from their pages on Facebook, twitter and the other 34 most popular social media websites.

Instead of having to list all pages on social media websites for clients. One simple profile and one web address on will replace the long list of web addresses on the other social media websites. Many businesses can replace the term “find us on Facebook, Twitter,etc,,” with only the term “find us on”. It is hard to keep track with all login information for each page on social media websites. This startup makes it possible for social media users to have one login profile for all their social media profiles.

This startup gained initial success and the attention of thousands of users because it introduced a nice and a cool idea that made social media experience simple and fun. Founder and entrepreneur Ron Rule is planning to make this startup the hub for the social media revolution on the web.

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