DuckDuckGo - A search Engine With Extra Goodies. - StartupWizz | StartupWizz

DuckDuckGo – A search Engine With Extra Goodies. is a search engine that gives users the ability to surf the web without the extra plug-ins. It was founded by serial entrepreneur Gabriel Weinberg. This search engine can be added to any browser such as Chrome and Mozilla FireFox. It has been sometime since new startup search engine came out. The reason is that English based search engine markets already dominated by the big three: Google, Yahoo, and Bing.

Can a new startup search engine gains any market share with the market domination of Google? We all go back to Google if we have difficulty finding what we want on the web. The reasons Google is very good and unmatched when it comes to search engines are for three big factors. First Google has been in business for 15 years. Second, Google employs the smartest people in the world and that include the best engineers and computer scientists by offering the best pay in the business. Third Google has the most intelligent search engine algorithm and with continuous updates to keep up with changes in the web and maintain Google’s comparative edge.

Newer startup search engines of course will not compete face to face with Google, Bing, or Yahoo. However, users may prefer a search engine that is light such as that has less add-ons and plug-ins that slow down machines when users surf the web using the big search engines. Moreover this search engine proud itself by protecting it’s users privacy, unlike all the other search engines it doesn’t track individual’s searches. success depends on it’s developers ability to improve it’s search algorithm and keep it simple. Furthermore, the results page requires more improvements to present the findings in a more user friendly appearance using better GUI.


DuckDuckGo – A search Engine With Extra Goodies.
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