RankingTheBrands – Rates the Strength of Brands
This is a comprehensive set of worldwide rankings for brands to let users see the position of their own brand or to check the ratings for brands in particular areas of interest, such as specific industries. Quick methods display the top 100 brands and historical information is available as far back as 2006 to make the data more meaningful. It’s interesting to click on each year and see the difference in the top 10 brands.
Brand rankings are available on other websites, but this one attempts to bring together information from all of these sources. It’s possible to submit rankings for brands and include rankings for brands that aren’t on the website if this has been published elsewhere and isn’t yet included on RankingTheBrands.
The information can then be sorted and displayed in different ways. Whereas Google, Microsoft and Starbucks are currently the top three brands, a separate ‘CoolBrands’ rating has iPhone, Aston Martin and Apple in prime position. Other ways of selecting are: Fastest-Growing Companies, Best Global Brands, and Top 10 World’s Most Valuable Mobile Telecoms Brands.
A simple top 10 doesn’t tell the full story so a search can be done according to a variety of factors such as advertising, customer satisfaction, brand performance, brand popularity and brand value. Branding is a key factor in the success of a company so this kind of data is invaluable to businesses, and also provides useful information to customers. There’s a full listing of brands available via Search which also links to the individual websites. Additional links to articles on successful branding could add to this well put together and researched resource.
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