Richard Branson - If I could do it all again - StartupWizz | StartupWizz

Richard Branson – If I could do it all again

A startup founder with plenty of wisdom do impart to those of us with only one, two or even three successful startups to our name as opposed to Branson’s dozens of successful startups.

The entrepreneur has just answered some user submitted questions over at His biography is also worth a read for those seeking entrepreneurial inspiration.

“Q: If you were 24 today, and you were given a budget of $3,000 (Rs138,300) to start a business, what kind of business would you choose? What if the budget were around $25,000?

Alex Bodislav, Bucharest, Romania

A: That’s an easy one. It would definitely be some kind of Web-based business, and I’m not sure it would make a difference if I had $3,000 or $25,000 to start out.

I began my career in the late 1960s with my first business venture, Student magazine. I started by selling it one issue at a time, and soon moved to selling records from a phone booth. The publishing and music industries are struggling today due to the changes brought about by the Internet—but where there’s upheaval, there’s opportunity.”

Link to the rest of the Q&A


Richard Branson – If I could do it all again
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