Sponzu.com – Fundraising Made Easy - StartupWizz | StartupWizz

Sponzu.com – Fundraising Made Easy

Sponzu LogoSponzu.com is an innovative website aimed to function like a traditional fund-raising platform with a twist. With the help of Sponzu, various individuals, communities, and organizations now have the means to bring their ideas to life. The intuitive approach to fundraising is what makes Sponzu special.

Unlike the traditional crowd-funding platforms, Sponzu does not ask for donations in shape of cash payments. The functioning of Sponzu is weaved around something people love to do. It works by asking people to spend time on the website watching video ads, rather than spending money.

Once an idea is submitted and approved, the supporters of the idea are required to watch a short video ad that has been provided by one of the sponsors. In return, sponsors donate funds towards the idea. Furthermore, supporters can also rate the video, provide feedback, complete marketing surveys, and share the idea, as well as the sponsor’s materials within a social network, to further contribute in the funding.

The more views these short ad videos get, more funds are raised for the specific ideas from the sponsors. The sponsors are interested in getting the brand exposure, product awareness, brand association, and a positive PR and this process does just that. It is also a very useful platform for the businesses to get the exposure and goodwill they always seek.

Sponzu is based on self-promoting your ideas towards friends and across social networks in order to attract supporters; hence, raise funds.

What Do They Say About Themselves?

The mission of Sponzu is to encourage every idea towards improvement, without taking in consideration its size or sensibility. Sponzu highlights the fact that to make a difference one does not need to spend a fortune.

Why This Could Be a Success:

Sponzu can be a success owing to its innovative way of supporting an idea. The major failure of a crowd-funding platform occurs when visitors are unwilling to donate cash. The ease to support a cause, without spending any money is the major plus for Sponzu.

Besides the ease of fund-raising, the integration with social media is another positive step. This integration makes it much easier to spread the word among social networks and in turn attract more supporters and sponsors for ideas.


Sponzu.com – Fundraising Made Easy
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