DocMeIn - Free Web-based Appointments Solution for Medical Professionals - StartupWizz | StartupWizz

DocMeIn – Free Web-based Appointments Solution for Medical Professionals

DocMeIn LogoManaging appointments may not be much trouble for large hospitals due to dedicated staff for setting up, monitoring, and following up the appointments with patients. Small and medium level clinics may face tough time in managing the appointments. Missed appointments and no-show makes this process more troublesome. DocMeIn makes the appointments scheduling and managing the appointments easy for solo clinics and mid-scale hospitals without adding any expenses.

DocMeIn is a free web-based solution for appointment scheduling for healthcare professionals. The appointments could either be made by the physicians or the patients. The solution offers unlimited appointments with complete control and timely notifications to both the patients and the health care providers.

Each of the physician has a dedicated page to present the basic information along with the contact and operating hours. This page could conveniently be accessed by the patients to make appointments easily. They also have the options of confirming, cancelling or getting a new appointment ensuring the low no-show rate. The inclusion of patients int he process of appointment scheduling makes them more motivated to show or notify the no-show.

The reminder emails are sent to the patients along with the attachement of appointment, which is easily recognized by the email clients as appointments.

What they Say about Themselves

DocMeIn is the only free service for doctors. We help keep no-show rates low and calendars filled with appointments, which helps to keep costs down for everyone.

Why It could be a Success

DocMeIn fulfills a very important need of the physicians i.e. making the appointments management easy and controllable. It does so without posing any cost and ads to them. No doubt DocMeIn could be a successful appointment scheduling system for physicians of all scales. Addition of mobile phone notifications along with the email notifications would make it simply irresistible.


DocMeIn – Free Web-based Appointments Solution for Medical Professionals
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