Birthday Gorilla - Personalized SMS - StartupWizz | StartupWizz

Birthday Gorilla – Personalized SMS

Birthday Gorilla Logo Customer relationship management or CRM is essential to the success of every business. It helps in finding and securing new clients, retaining existing ones and even entice former clients back for business opportunities. Effective CRM can reduce the costs of marketing and client service.

A major focus of business marketing is the advertisement of services on a personal level rather than focusing on a generic model. Using a personalized and targeted approach, a message can have a more profound effect on a customer. This is where Birthday Gorilla comes in.

Essentially, a marketing service, Birthday Gorilla helps businesses in reaching out to their clients by wishing them happy birthday via SMS and allowing them to attach personalized service offers like rebates which the customers can enjoy on this occasion. Following the KISS principle, the website is very user-friendly. You simply have to click on the date, add the necessary messages and the system will send out the SMS on the specified date. Each SMS costs around 25 cents and the basic plan starts from $4.50.

What they say about themselves

Birthday Gorilla is a SMS powered marketing site that enables businesses to market and engage with their customers on their birthdays. Using our service, Birthday Gorilla will automatically wish your customers a happy birthday on behalf of your business, via SMS. Businesses can then capitalise on this thoughtful contact by attaching a coupon or reward at the end of the SMS. Birthday Gorilla is a cheap and effective marketing tool for any sized business.

Why it could be a success

Well, who wouldn’t be happy if someone wished them happy birthday. By engaging your customers through personalized messages, businesses can make clients feel welcome and important to them. This in turn will translate into loyal clients and more revenue.


Birthday Gorilla – Personalized SMS
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