IT Jobs in Decline? - StartupWizz | StartupWizz

IT Jobs in Decline?

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The recent U.S job report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics showed a surprising drop in the U.S national unemployment rate from 8.1% to 7.8%. The sudden and unexpected drop in the unemployment rate since the start of the great recession brought many theories about the timing and the scope of the unemployment numbers and their relation to the upcoming U.S presidential election which will be held in less than a month. Theories ranging from accusing the labor department of fabricating the numbers to boost the current president chances of re-election to other theory which explains the numbers were not accurate because many people gave up looking for jobs, therefore they were not counted as unemployed.

The September job report showed a surprising job lost in the IT field and that marks the first monthly decline since August 2010. The IT industry lost total of 1,700 jobs, but analyzing the results there were jobs gain in the Computer Systems Design/Related Services segment. This category gained 2,900 jobs in September, marking the 24th consecutive month of job growth. On the other hand, In the Management and Technical Consulting Services category 1,800 jobs were lost following 17 consecutive months of job growth during which a total of 95,400 jobs were added.The telecommunications and data processing sectors also posted a loss of 2800 jobs. Will that be a continuing trend for the IT industry? Many experts believe that will not be the case.

The sudden change in job growth in the IT industry is a temporary market adjustment. Employers are pursuing workers with multiple talents in technology and business. Companies are looking to hire the best and most experienced who can master business and technology so they get away with less employees. Those candidates are very hard to find and companies will have to hire skilled IT professionals to meet their demands. As a result of that many experts believe the September job lost for the IT field will be reversible in the near future and the IT field will anticipate more job growth.


IT Jobs in Decline?
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