Vine Update Lets Users Edit Videos, Save Multiple Drafts - StartupWizz | StartupWizz

Vine Update Lets Users Edit Videos, Save Multiple Drafts

Vine, Twitter’s six-second looping video app, has just released an update to the app that brings two new big features to the video sharing platform: Sessions and Time Travel.

Time Travel essentially lets you edit videos, which has always been something Vine was very rigid about. You can never go back in time with Vine, but rather have to shoot continuously without a mistake. With Time Travel, users can remove, reorganize or replace any shot within at post at any time.

Meanwhile, Sessions let you maintain multiple drafts that are currently being edited and created at once, so you can switch from one project to the other.

The update is a big one, as users have never been able to edit Vine videos retroactively. Here’s what Vine has to say about the feature, according to the official blog post:

Vine was built for one purpose: to make it easy for people to capture life in motion and share it with the world. That is the reason we built the Vine camera, and it’s why we continue to improve upon and build new tools for your creations, nurturing the balance between power and simplicity that you’ve come to expect from us.



Vine Update Lets Users Edit Videos, Save Multiple Drafts
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