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Twitter Application

iTweetLive – Twitter Branding

itweetlive Logo A lot of businesses are using Twitter service to reach out to their clients. Twitter helps to connect people quickly and without any exaggerated costs. iTweetLive is a recent addition to the long line of application enhancing the Twitter experience for the user.

The application lets you search potential clients through keywords. Those who are matched to your specific business model can then be reached via personal or group messaging facilities. Using promotional advertisements, news and event announcements, a business can access the market easily while keeping the costs to a minimum.

Another interesting feature is the RSS feed which can be used to send tweets periodically to a predefined list of subscribers. In addition to this, real time monitoring of every activity makes this a nice resource.

What they say about themselves

iTweetLive is a Twitter management tool, created to maximize engagement with your targeted audience and increase brand exposure through personal, mass, real time conversations. Use iTweetLive to talk with a mass of people in a personal way . Talk to groups of people with a click while keeping it personal and fun.

Why it could be a success

Whether you are aiming for personal communication or reaching out to a group of clients, iTweetLive can help you in managing all your informal client communication needs. Using a per client charge, businesses can economize, budget and analyze all the costs in real time.


TwittGeek – Tag Tweeters

Logo A nice application for the Twitter phenomenon. It is simple, free and does only one thing. It allows people to easy follow up to 200 twitters based on keywords.

The usage of the application is extremely easy. You sign in to your twitter account via twittgeek and allow it to access your account. Then you are redirected back to search for fellow twitters using keywords. Its fun but the sad part is that the selection is random. I had to run the application 5 times before I managed to get a special person in the list.


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