Chikkle - Let your thoughts roll - StartupWizz | StartupWizz

Chikkle – Let your thoughts roll

Chikkle Chikkle is a recent entrant into the social networking web. Sign up and you get to make blog posts, write articles and start discussions. I think with so many websites it is better to start in a new community as people will get to know each other much quicker than all the thousands on other social sites.

The site is very lightweight. The current user base is around 130 but should increase given the hype of networking. Users can opt for using the Chikkle AdTouch technology which allows them to display advertisements on their pages and earn revenues. Now that is one incentive that has to attract people. Lets see if the monetary incentive can generate enough buzz to get Chikkle off the ground.


Chikkle – Let your thoughts roll
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