FeatureSet - Social Product Development - StartupWizz | StartupWizz

FeatureSet – Social Product Development

FeatureSet LogoProduct management involves a complicated process, where the producer has to keep in contact with the client to get the exact requirements and continuous feedback on every step to ensure the correct results according to the specification provided by the clients.

FeatureSet gives a social touch to the product development process. It makes this process automated by connecting the clients to the product development team. FeatureSet is a collaboration software, which helps the client specify their exact needs and review the work done to be satisfied about the work delivery and quality.The one-on-one discussions allow the clients to communicate with the team members.

FeatureSet is of huge help to the Product development team generally and managers particularly. Each team member has access to the forum and work blog to record the work done and get the instructions and tasks The team members have the ability to present an idea, which could be voted through the platform. The managers are able to control the whole product development process through FeatureSet. They have the ability to asign the tasks to teams in multiple organizations and review the work done.

The pricing model of FeatureSet is Software-as-a-Service (S.a.a.S). This pricing model is helpful in terms of keeping the costs in control. Charges are incurred on number of users using the software. It is particularly helpful for the small firms or the firms just starting. This pricing structure is good but it might become expensive for large product development teams so having an option to purchase it either one-time or on S.a.a.S basis, would be valuable.

What Do They Say about themselves?

FeatureSet is the first integrated suite of product management applications that connects the customer to the product management process. It also features social collaboration tools which allow the whole team to track projects and changes.

Why it Could Be a Success:

FeatureSet makes the collaboration on product development very easy and flowing. Through this software both the clients and the product development teams are at ease and well-equipped to do their jobs fully and satisfactorily. Involving the clients in the product development process is a major and distinct feature of FeatureSet and it could lead it to success.


FeatureSet – Social Product Development
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