Ecycler - Turning trash to Gold - StartupWizz | StartupWizz

Ecycler – Turning trash to Gold is a great option for people in the United States where curbside recycling is not available in their neighborhood. The site is also a better alternative for communities who don’t want to pay for curbside recycling. One of the major features of Ecycler is that it allows the discarder to control the date, time, and place where the recyclables can be collected.

It provides a tracking system for carbon credits and precise calculation of materials recycled in the website. Another positive element in is it allows the person the option to list how many recyclables has he given away on his own which can be included in the total.

It’s a good avenue for U.S. households getting rid of their trash, and build relationships with collectors  who are interested in cans, bottles, and newspapers. The heart of Ecycler comes from these people, who build Ecycler recycling programs in their respective communities as an opportunity to build additional income for the collectors.  Cash can be redeemed from the collected recyclables at a local recyling center, and the same time help build zero waste.

Ecycler encourages people to give away their recyclables for free, however the option of requesting a portion of the proceeds from the collector is also available. An accountability tool is available in which allows the giver and the collector to provide feedback from their experiences with each other.

Anyone who has access to the Internet can become an Ecycler collector. Once an account is created in, a profile page with a customizable Ecycler link is available to the collector.  There are also  downloadable personalized business cards and posters which are available in that can be use to spread the message of recycling.

The income generated by the recyclables collected in is also use to support groups like Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, church groups, social groups etc.

What do Ecycler say?

Connecting people in a new way to build zero waste

What’s so special about it?

It provides additional income both for the collector and the household getting rid of their trash



Ecycler – Turning trash to Gold
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