Orkiv - Collective Buying on a Larger Scale - StartupWizz | StartupWizz

Orkiv – Collective Buying on a Larger Scale

OrkivOrkiv is a site that offers to consumers the possibility of collective buying on a larger scale, on an internet scale. With the aid of Orkiv you will be able to indirectly connect with other people which have the same purchasing desires.

What Orkiv does is to accumulate these purchasing needs and to negotiate with the manufacturer for a lower price for the desired product or service. Orkiv focuses on condensing the distribution channel, thus offering the possibility of gain for anyone. Orkiv focuses on a completely new unconventional spin to the well known group buying process. You will no longer need to go through the third party which requires additional money and the products will be delivered directly to the end consumer. The site strives to deliver multiple deals simultaneously and focuses on creating a bigger user database in order to improve deals. You can think of Orkiv as being a purchasing social network in which your purchasing needs become the subject of purchasing power.

With the aid of Orkiv you will be able to obtain the products that you desire at significantly lower prices.


Orkiv – Collective Buying on a Larger Scale
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